
Saturday Night Acoustic Excellence: Derrin Nauendorf, "Crazy World"

CuriousLurker10/11/2015 6:57:57 am PDT

re: #42 Nyet

There’s a difference between being anti-some ideology and being against people who subscribe to it. I don’t see religion as a positive phenomenon - which doesn’t mean I think worse of the religious people. A religious liberal is certainly closer to me than someone who doesn’t like religion and is a total wingnut asshole otherwise.

As most of you here know, I don’t really care what someone believes or doesn’t believe as long as they’re civil, but I do get annoyed with & tend to feel immediate dislike for atheists who say they’re anti-theist. By definition that means they’re not simply against religion, but against religious people. It’s an antagonistic position to take and immediately makes me feel hostile, which I can only assume is exactly their intent. For example, the Twitter profile of someone who favorited one of my tweets recently:

Taking a stand against bigotry and injustice. Ex-Muslim; Anti theist atheist; Prochoice; Marxist; Intersectional Feminist & I fucking love Beyonce. Peace.

Those are a LOT of labels, many of which cause me no small amount of cognitive dissonance when someone claims all of them at once.