
Soul From Down Under: The Teskey Brothers, "So Caught Up"

Curious Lifeform9/03/2019 6:30:47 am PDT

re: #83 Targetpractice

It is one of those weird situations that you generally only hear about in banana republics. Boris is telling members of his own party that if they go along with a bill to push out the Article 50 deadline to Jan 31st, then he’ll put forward a bill to force a snap election. But it’s basically a massive bluff, as both sides are pretty much in agreement that they don’t want elections, certainly not in less than 2 months time. At the same time, Farage is telling Boris that if he tries to bring forward any deal whatsoever, then the “Brexit Party” will challenge every Tory seat in said snap election.

I swear to Zod, I’ve never seen a bigger clusterfuck in my life.

His opinion has been unfashionable since Iraq, but Tony Blair pointed recently that a general election is a trap for Labour: If they get in they will have sort out the whole mess. I think somebody in Labour sat up and took notice of that.

I said it about Theresa May; she was like a lawyer with an unreasonable idiot for a client. No matter how many times she advised the country, “You don’t wann do this - you’ll lose - take the deal!” the country kept shouting back, “Nah take ‘em to WHO court!”

I wouldn’t want that client. Whoever is in government when it goes down, will be held responsible.