
Uncle Jimbo Jumps the Conclusion

Pietr3/05/2009 6:02:44 pm PST

OT-because I just got back-and wanted to repost from the earlier thread-this was my comment and a pertinent reply:

re: #402 Pietr

OT-just got back after being crashed since Tuesday. My router FORGOT it’s programming? I’m an old time Maint tech/PC tech, and have never had any eqpmnt shut down because it just forgot….Sheesh. This was software/programming-nothing electrical/mechanical. I finally got thru to Linksys today, and got it fixed-thru some internet backdoor that is apparently hardwired into it? It couldn’t have reached the Internet otherwise, apparently-because it forgot everything else. Lord save us, between computers and BO, we’re doomed-DOOMED I tells ya…….

re: #414 Kosh’s Shadow

Now, since Linksys is owned by Cisco, and a lot of the stuff is made in China, the idea that there is a backdoor in their routers worries me.

Why did I do this-because I misdiagnosed the problem and solution. As I talked with the Linksys tech, and he walked me thru tihngs-he mentioned “plug and play”! I missed that until I reconstructed our discussion. I HAD to open up IE for his solution to work-understand? The router was hard wired to this ‘plug and play’ IE link-and once my IE finally opened to my homepage, “Unable to connect”-I was instructed to type in a URL that BYPASSED protocols to take me to the Linksys homepage, and correct the problem. This is great, Yes? Or not, because the backdoor Kosh and I worry about is in IE, in Windows, and who knows what other browser ‘plug and play’ software-and a backdoor can be used 2 ways, from my limited tech knowledge. I invite all software types to comment-but if someone would flag this to Charles and Stinky, maybe they can allay my concern…..I found the whole matter odd and disconcerting. Help, any programmers/IT types…it would be appreciated.





