
Illinois Man Arrested in Alleged Bomb Plot

baier9/25/2009 10:51:34 am PDT

About 9-10 mins into last August’s, This American Life, is a fascinating story about a survivor of the London bombings that confronts conspiracy theorists who don’t believe the bombings even happened. I thought it would interest some people here.

Act One. What Part of “Bomb” Don’t You Understand?
Rachel North was on a train that got blown up during the London subway bombings. After writing a very popular blog about her experience and her recovery afterward, Rachel became a spokeswoman for a survivors’ group. Then conspiracy theorists—who believed that there were no bombings and that the whole thing was a cover-up by the British government—started attacking her online, saying she was a spy…or a plant by the police…or,worse, that she didn’t exist at all.