
Video: The Arctic Icecap is Not 'Recovering'

SixDegrees10/19/2009 2:06:47 pm PDT

re: #79 LudwigVanQuixote

Thanks for providing an excellent example of precisely the sort of over-the-top non-answer I was talking about. You’ve successfully removed the “di-” from “discussion,” as is your habit.

Please look up the definition of “abrasive asshole” and ponder it. You’re not doing your cause a single bit of good with an attitude like yours.

When you’re done, maybe you could take the time to actually read what I’ve said, here and in the past, and note that I have never, even once, disagreed with your precious “science,” although whatever it is you’re practicing has little resemblance to the real thing. What I’ve consistently objected to is your incredibly arrogant, self-centered presentation of it and the self-defeating nature of such an approach.

You can’t even recognize you allies anymore, staring at the world through a toilet paper tube.