
We Got Mail!

bosforus12/01/2009 8:44:11 pm PST

Brian David Mitchell competency hearing update:
Brian David Mitchell, absolute filth of the earth kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart, who raped her multiple times per day for months, is being called out for his outright bullsh*t routine of singing in court and claiming insanity.
Nurse: Suspect in Smart abduction faked symptoms

A psychiatric nurse who observed the man charged with abducting Elizabeth Smart said Tuesday she believes he faked psychiatric symptoms and behaviors to avoid prosecution and remain at a state hospital.

Mitchell has been diagnosed with a rare delusional disorder and was twice deemed incompetent for trial in a state criminal case.
(the biggest failing of the State of Utah for the decade in my opinion, the incompetency (of the State) infuriates me)

This POS needs the book thrown at him and deserves more than whatever punishment (or lack thereof) that he receives.

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