
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

drcordell3/04/2010 12:31:28 pm PST

re: #77 Aceofwhat?

It was Mc/F which flew in the face of stare.

That may be your opinion, but it isn’t shared by a large number of legal scholars. The legality of regulating corporate financing in politics has a long and established legal precedent. It’s not just about whether or not corporations have first amendment rights. It’s about whether the government has any legal ability to regulate those rights. And for approximately 100 years the courts had previously held that yes, the government can regulate political donations.

Just because you have a first amendment right does not by default mean that right cannot be abridged in any way. Students are explicitly granted first amendment rights, yet the courts have also held that it is completely legal for schools to abridge those rights.