
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

lostlakehiker4/20/2010 1:35:28 pm PDT

re: #21 webevintage

I love how those asses want to ascribe anything well-done as a left over from the Bush administration, but get pissed off if anyone points out that maybe some of our economic suck could also be part of that legacy.

I’m encouraged at the success and at the fact that it shows Obama has some mettle and some military acumen of his own. I’m no fan of his health care “reform” but the drone campaign has been a bright spot and he deserves credit.

However the war started and whether it was a good idea or not, as long as you’re fighting, you might as well fight smart. Drone strikes are also fighting clean. Very minimal collateral damage. Yes, I know, sometimes your intel is wrong and there is a tragic mistake. But tragedy is part of war and the best we can do is minimize it, and drones are one of the best ways to do that.