
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

robdouth4/28/2010 10:58:09 am PDT

re: #82 Varek Raith

Bullshit, all it basically does is give teeth to the existing bills. I saw the BS horror story reported here about the truck driver. If you get to read the details here, or actually know an AZ police officer, you get the real story, not the one that fits everyone’s nice pre-conceived notions that this innocent driver was minding his business and was harrassed for no reason.

You can blithely say facepalm, but I gaurantee you either don’t live here or have no negative affects from illegal immigration. There’s a reason that over 70% of this state supports the bill, and it’s not because 70% of this state hates mexicans and wants to see them mistreated. If you think that you’re an idiot.