
Disgusting Racist Slurs of the Day

Targetpractice6/04/2010 11:15:00 am PDT

re: #91 Obdicut

And? I’m sorry, but in what way does that sell us down the river? The US sells most debt, still, to domestic, not foreign, sources. And China is one, and only one, of foreign debt-holders. Can you explain how that sells us down the river? I’d say that the anti-science attitude of the GOP, the endorsement of outsourcing of jobs, the tax breaks for corporations that funnel money out of the US by the GOP, all represent a hell of a lot more of that sort of ‘selling’ than expenditure that accrues debt.

Are you one of those who thinks that no spending was needed during the crash of the economy?

You’re asking me basically to defend the GOP, which I’m not gonna do, because I think the GOP at this point is every bit as wrong as the DNC. Point is I’ve grown sick of the snake oil both sides are sellin’, but haven’t yet found a third party I could endorse with a straight face. I’d had hopes that perhaps the GOP had had an epiphany after ‘08, that perhaps the moderates would finally get a leg-up and throw off the last vestiges of craziness and far-right lunacy. Instead, it seems the party has decided to double down and hope the loonies can carry them to greatness.

But, as I said, it’s simply my opinion, and I’m no economist. I’m just a guy sittin’ out of work, waiting on the world to change.