
Romney's Hit Piece on START: 'Thoroughly Ignorant'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/07/2010 12:43:47 pm PDT

re: #78 lawhawk

Generally, Kaplan is on target, but he did get some of his facts wrong too. Romney is right to claim that the treaty doesn’t reflect rail-based launchers.


1. Each Party shall base:
(a) deployed launchers of ICBMs only at ICBM bases;

4 . Non-deployed ICBMs and non-deployed SLBMs as well as nondeployed mobile launchers of ICBMs may be in transit. Each
Party shall limit the duration of each transit between
facilities to no more than 30 days.

Wouldn’t you say both those causes reflect on rail-based launchers, limiting their deployment to ICBM bases and limiting non-deployed launchers to 30 days transit between bases?