
Onion: Joad Cressbeckler on NASA's Honeyfuggling Ways

Mostly sane, most of the time.9/21/2010 4:29:59 pm PDT

re: #82 Walter L. Newton

Er… no, I don’t know what you mean at all. I’ve never felt anything was next on my anything. I take life in metered stages, taking care of the necessities first, anything else is gravy, and I don’t get overly attached to property or popular culture, sort of live like I want to, when I’m able to, when it’s affordable and when I can do it comfortably.

And those that are buying homes that they shouldn’t be in, that’s not the problem, that’s their problem, and I don’t feel sorry for them one bit.

No one is holding a gun to anyones head forcing them to purchase shit.

In Soviet Russia, crap buys you…Wait, that doesn’t work…In Soviet Russia, you can be forced to buy crap, because…

Someone help me out here?