
Latino Voters Overwhelmingly Rejected Sharron Angle

Scottish Dragon11/03/2010 12:12:13 pm PDT

re: #30 SpaceJesus

I don’t think so, people under 35 don’t care about gay marriage being legal or support it. Very few are opposed, even young-ish Republicans.

I give the opposition to gay rights in America about 15-20 more years.

Howver, according to Ambers at The Atlantic, there will be no push to end DADT in the lame duck session like what has been promised. It will be 15 years minimum before any president approaches that subject again. All we have left is the LCR lawsuit…and AttyGen Holder is going to fight that ll the way to the SCOTUS.

Never underestimate the Democrats capacity for cowardice and self destructive tendencies.