
Overnight Open Thread

mdey11/17/2010 1:56:12 am PST

I’ve been thinking about this all day. I was listening to this clip from Glenn Beck’s radio show today. A young woman called in to the show. She was an Iraq war veteran, I’m guessing early to mid 20s. She was invited by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America to march in a Veterans Day parade in DC. She told Glenn how great the organization treated her and how great her experience was. Yet, she came home and learned that org was a sponsor of the parade. Therefore she was shocked. She told Glenn that she was so terrified, because George Soros was taking over our military. I feel so sorry for her. She’s been brainwashed by this evil piece of shit Beck. Fuck Him. I wish there was a hell for Beck to go to, but I am an atheist. I wish as much misery on him as humanly possible.