
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

laZardo4/21/2011 9:57:08 pm PDT

re: #81 Shiplord Kirel

Looking back on it, I think it was the Tiller assassination that really marked LGF’s final break with the right. I saw the gloating and celebration at places like Free Republic and it just made my blood run cold. The break had been underway for quite a while but that really burned the bridges. There was just no common view or value we could have with such people.

The way the murder happened affected me pretty deeply, too. I have seen objectively worse things in my life, really hideous brutality, but the very idea of walking up to an unarmed man in a church lobby and shooting him in the head tops any of it for pure cold-blooded fanaticism. What kind of force are we dealing with here? I reach for an answer but I can’t find one. It isn’t right to say they are mentally ill because that isn’t fair to the genuinely disturbed. They can plan and organize so they aren’t legally insane. The religion they profess does not actually condone such acts anywhere but in the minds of the fanatics themselves. They seem to derive real joy from their murders. If you don’t believe it, read Paul Hill’s final messages. Is it some kind of sado-masochistic cult? Is there a psychosexual component? I don’t know but it might be worth a serious researcher’s time to find out.

Pure, cold-blooded conservatism. Distilled to 120 proof, aged over 200 years.