
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/18/2011 6:07:47 pm PDT

I honestly had no idea Bachmann was that competitive with Mitt in the early states like New Hampshire and Iowa. I think Mitt’s problem is that he’s too patrician and he does of course also have a moderate record for all his conservative rhetoric. The guy really confuses me since he keeps on moving more and more to the right in each election he runs for. I remember reading in a biography of Ted Kennedy that he tried to say he would be more progressive then Ted on GLBT issues and of course a few of his judiciary picks in Massachusetts ruled in favor of legalizing same sex marriage so his judiciary picks don’t seem to be the “strict constructionists” that the GOP base drools for.