
Overnight Open Thread

Wyatt Earp2/16/2009 7:29:22 am PST

re: #914 realwest

Well it’s too bad you’re all such true professionals, cause I wouldn’t have been polite and “bent” isn’t the word I’d have used.
Do y’all have a PD Union in Philly? Do detectives belong to the Union?
Cause if so, the Union ought to write to all the major Unions (UAW, NEA, AFSCME [or whatever public officials union is appropriate]) and ask for their help in preventing the closure of Fire and Police houses in Philly.
In fact, maybe the Cops and firefighters unions could appeal to those other unions by way of a full page Newspaper ad. Maybe start with a “WE CAN’T ASK FOR A BAILOUT OF OUR EMPLOYER - WON’T YOU HELP US?”

We have an FOP here. They’re mediocre at best, and are usually in lock-step with the administration.