
LGF Palin Approval Polls

iceweasel7/07/2009 2:22:05 pm PDT

re: #909 avanti

OK, here’s the Gallup poll on Palin we were discussing that polls her support.


Thanks for posting that; I was just about to look for it.

It looks roughly like what I would have expected: 19% very likely to vote for her (slightly less than the percentage of people who currently still identify as hardcore Republicans, in other words), and 24% somewhat likely, with 41% not at all likely. Certainly shows she’s a polarising figure, which isn’t news, and that in general the resignation hasn’t shifted anyone’s opinion: those who love her still love her, those who dislike her still dislike her.

This part is interesting though:

Polls conducted entirely in one day, such as this one, are subject to additional error or bias not found in polls conducted over several days.

Also it was conducted on the 6th, in a way I think that might have been too soon to measure the impact, esp as it happened over a holiday weekend. Lots of people here didn’t even know about the resignation til they cane back from the weekend.

It will be interesting to see what a poll released at the end of the month shows, conducted over a few days.