
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

HoosierHoops7/23/2010 9:34:49 pm PDT

re: #882 cliffster

I’ve done that stretch of 44 from Springfield every November for a few years. Get your car aligned so it goes straight. Then when you get it going down the highway, drift off to sleep. When you get to OKC, the honking horns will wake you up.

LOL…That is so funny
Can I say that no lizards should buy a Beemer..Nomatter what happens from the littlest thing is at least 500 bucks.. I had some little freaking belt tensioner thinging dinging break last week…511 dollars..What an effen surprise that was…The last thing Paule told me when I left his house tonight..
Call me if you break down…
Thanks Paulie
Dang it! Yes the Cell is charging