
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

Cato the Elder2/09/2009 4:17:22 pm PST

re: #921 Lynn B.

The perfect is the enemy of the good, Cato. Not everyone sets the bar for “courage” as high as you seem to…

You seem to think I’m issuing a blanket condemnation of Merkel. I’m not. I highly esteem and honor her for her support of Israel.

Unfortunately in their public statements on Islamo-Fascism and venomous Jew-hating propaganda, Merkel and the rest of the European Union as well as the United States come up short. In fact, to use J.S.’s words, though they should be able to, they choose not to walk and chew gum at the same time. The condemnation of Williamson and the Pope is loud and clear, as it should be, but then the targets are not going to start building suicide bombs. Why can’t you understand that in comparison the silence on the filth exposed by MEMRI in the Arab-Muslim world, which is also targeted at Europe’s and America’s Muslim citizens, is DEAFENING?

Even the article you quoted from JPost sees this problem:

Without saying it explicitly, Merkel seems to understand that various threats from the world of Islam, besides the Iranian one she mentioned, share the totalitarian characteristics of Nazism and communism. That is probably included when she says that threats to Israel are also threats to Germany. However it is not yet politically correct to explicitly name the major hate - Islamist incitement and violence - as the greatest danger to the world.

For that we may have to wait a few more years.

How long, O Lord, how long? A few more years? Until what happens? How much more has to happen?

It is time to say, as a British friend of mine would put it, “Sod political correctness. Say it explicitly.”

That is what I’m trying to promote here. Enough about Williamson, Merkel. Put your mouth where your money is and pillory the poisonous mullahs and imams. They’re already gunning for you. What do you have to lose?