
Shooting Victim Who Blamed Palin, Beck, and Angle Threatens Tea Party Leader

punchy1001/16/2011 10:13:08 am PST

Oh, yes, we in Arizona live in the Wild West because a left winger threatened a right winger. Nothing like this ever happens in other places. /sarcasm.

Just because the bowl of breakfast cereal that is CA (complete with nuts, fruits, and flakes) manages to miss being the insane headline of the day for once, doesn’t mean the rest of of the Southwest is turning into some kind of bandlands of miscreant behavior. We have the 5th largest city in the US. Guess what? That means some stupid crap will happen here, but I’ll pit the sanity of my state against almost every other one in the Union.

BTW, Looks like you didn’t need “Breitbart, Jim Hoft, and the rest of the right wing blogosphere.” Eric Fuller smeared himself.