
Defining "Creationism" Down

Phil.2/24/2009 5:45:25 pm PST

re: #908 Salamantis

We should not make the perfect the enemy of the good, but we should also not cavilierly morph the unacceptable into the good enough.

Jindal’s creation-bill-signing actions as Louisiana governor have ruled him unacceptable to me as a presidential candidate. I will never vote for him.

I’m really curious to know what state you’re from exactly? Massachusetts? Rhode Island? How’s that working out for you? At least they don’t teach intelligent design in your state though, eh?

And McCain had solid antijihadi GWOT credentials; Jindal does not.

McCain doesn’t know shit about economics (he said so himself) and that’s sort of most people’s overriding concern at the moment.

As for Jindal not having anti GWOT credentials?

Woops your bad

WASHINGTON A footnote of political history will remember it as the night of the purple fingers.

Ink was provided by a fledgling Republican congressman from Louisiana near the entrance of the House chamber Wednesday night. On their way to hear President Bush’s State of the Union address, many lawmakers — mostly Republicans — dipped a digit and thrust up a purple index finger. Purple ink pads awaited GOP senators when they reached the House floor.

The salute to the voters in Sunday’s Iraqi election was organized by Rep. Bobby Jindal, president of the freshman class of lawmakers.

“We all watched with joy as Iraqis dipped their fingers in ink and held them high, proudly proclaiming to the world that they had voted,” recalled Jindal in a “Dear Colleagues” letter coordinating the congressional action. He provided the purple ink for both Republicans and Democrats.

“This symbolic gesture will tell Iraqis, and the world, that we believe in their cause and will stand beside them and all peoples who embrace freedom,” said Jindal, the president of the House freshman class. “It’s been said that partisanship stops at the water’s edge. Let us again show that to be true by joining together in this symbolic gesture.”

I personally think we’d be lucky to have this guy lead the country, especially after the damage Obama is going to do to it.

Rhodes Scholar? Check
MBA from Harvard Business School? Check
Executive Experience? Check
Popular Reforming Governor? Check
Strong on GWOT issues? He WAS the guy who started the purple finger thing, which apparently you have forgotten. Check

But if his support for intelligent design in Louisiana is really a dealbreaker for you, I guess I can’t convince you. Best of luck with the Rockerfeller Republican thing though.