
Guardian Author Says Mysterious Godlike Entity Deleted Text for His Snowden Book as He Was Typing

Killgore Trout2/20/2014 3:30:34 pm PST

Right now there are two stories that deserve far more press attention than they are getting. This first is the story we’ve covered in recent updates. The Ukrainian parliament, or Rada, has been meeting all day. However, most of those present were members of the opposition parties. In fact, there were many reports that many MPs from the President’s Party of Regions had fled the country. Regardless, they were not present at the Rada session.
Earlier today Ukraine’s own Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted an extremely conciliatory statement, one that even said that
Ukraine should enter into agreement with the European Union
(jump to update 1844). This is the central demand of the first EuroMaidan protests, the key issue at play, and a major difference with the official position of the President.

What happened? It’s not clear, but it’s another sign that Yanukovych doesn’t even have full control of his own government, forget about the streets of Ukraine.