
San Bernardino Shooting Update: FBI Investigating Possible Terrorism Link

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam12/03/2015 7:07:30 pm PST

OK, a joke, one of the few I can remember from start to finish. It’s a Hoosier joke.

Late one evening, some fisherman are on the Ohio River, two on the Kentucky side and one on the Indiana side. The Kentucky guys are pulling in fish after fish, but the poor Hoosier hasn’t caught a thing. Finally he yells across the river.

“How come you guys are catching so many fish?”

“We’re using some new lures. The fish love ‘em! You want to try one?”

“Sure! But I can’t get to you. The bridge is too far away.”

“Tell ya what, we’ve got this really bright flashlight. We’ll turn it on, and you can walk across the beam over to our side.”

“Nah,” says the Hoosier. “I don’t trust you guys. You’d probably turn it off when I was halfway across!”