
Overnight Jam: Drew Ofthe Drew, "Do We"

Dr. Matt2/04/2016 6:43:52 am PST

Politically Correct Iowa Senator Introduces Just The Whiniest Bill About The Stanford Band

The notoriously “edgy” Stanford marching band performed a skit full of dumb hick stereotypes during halftime of Stanford’s 45-16 thwacking of Iowa in the Rose Bowl. Despite the fact that the skit wasn’t particularly good, funny, or unexpected, everybody lost their goddamn minds. Iowa fans got mad, Rose Bowl officials got mad, and now a deeply stupid Iowa State Senator has gotten mad.

Senator Mark Chelgren introduced a bill Wednesday that would prohibit “collaboration and cooperation” between Stanford and the University of Iowa, Iowa State, or Northern Iowa until Stanford apologizes for the band’s skit. Here is the bill and relevant text:

The state board of regents shall prohibit any future collaboration or cooperation between the institutions of higher learning governed by the board and Stanford university, excluding sporting events, until Stanford university officials publicly apologize to Iowa’s citizens and to the university of Iowa for the unsporting behavior of the Leland Stanford junior university marching band

Good to see Republicans worried about the important issues of today.