
Donald Trump Denies the Existence of the "Alt-Right"

Joe Bacon ✅8/25/2016 9:28:28 pm PDT

Still fuming from a distasteful encounter this evening from a hard core Trumpette wearing his “Korean Vet” cap and shooting his mouth off in a restaurant. He wouldn’t shut up, babbling about he hated that “B$%&h Hillary” and how the military would overthrow her. He babbled about what a man Trump was.

I couldn’t take anymore. I asked him why he was saying that. He said, “Because I’m a Proud Marine and a Republican, You’re probably one of them f@#$ for Shillary”.

My reply, “No, I’m just a Gold Star Father whose son was killed in Iraq”.

He responded, “I’m so glad your son died…”

My reply, “Do everyone here a favor and try, just try to put your brain in gear before you open your mouth.”

I’m glad a couple police officers were there eating. One of them came up to me and said, “Sir, I apologize for that asshole”. I said “Thank you, Officer”…

He’s not the first asshole Republican to say that he was glad my son was killed. He won’t be the last…