
Here's Why It's Fair--and Necessary--to Call Trump's Chief Strategist a White Nationalist Champion

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization11/15/2016 11:24:21 am PST

A post from the Facebook group “Pantsuit Nation:”

My friend’s wife campaigned for Obama and for Hillary. She joined a call with him today and he shared a few excerpts:
- Your President feels your pain.
- Surprising losses are worse than the ones you see coming.
- Progress doesn’t always follow a straight line.
- I’m giving you a whole week and a half to get over this. But come Thanksgiving, it’s time to stop moping and get organizing - something I know a little about.
- I’m constrained in what I can do until I’m a private citizen.
- But come February (maybe a little later after a vacation), Michelle and I will be right there with you.
- In the meantime, stay involved locally.
- I’m still fired up and I’m still ready to go.
ETA: Please feel free to share this post with other groups if you like, but don’t include my personal information or share directly from PSN. Thanks!