
Overnight Open Thread

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks6/24/2009 1:58:43 am PDT

re: #89 iceweasel

Well, I am recalling from memory something I read long ago. A quick and dirty search comes up with this link, where this excerpt reads a lot like what I have read before:

By the next day, Robertson had undergone a conversion experience. “Dede, I’m saved!” he exclaimed to his wife. He took the nude down from the wall and put it out with the trash and, to Dede’s consternation, poured all their cognac down the drain. Although his wife was seven months pregnant, Robertson trekked off to a Christian summer camp in the Canadian woods to commune with God.

“Please come back. I need you desperately,” Dede pleaded in a note.

“I can’t leave. God will take care of you,” Robertson replied.