
Video: Palin's Anti-Science Word Salad

Sigma_x4/10/2010 11:43:48 am PDT

re: #87 swamprat

Yes. They tried to block healthcare “reform” because they didn’t want a Democratic President to do something good for America. They are as despicable as the Democrats were when Bush was President. Frankly both parties make me want to puke.

If the Republicans though healthcare “reform” was bad for the country, they would have just smiled like Cheshire cats and let the votes roll in.

If you think I can’t find equal fault with the antics of the Democrats, you are mistaken.

I’m not totally disagreeing with you. However, please provide me with one example of Democrats being “as despicable when Bush was President.”

That’s easy to say. It’s something else entirely to actually back it up with facts.