
Overnight Video: The Killing Joke

Birth Control Works9/18/2011 4:12:41 am PDT

re: #92 Obdicut

A butter is the devil. Use a light misting of oil to cook things in instead of butter. My wife just bought me a hand-pumped mister (no pun intended) and I freaking love it.

And use the fat-free half-and-half for your coffee instead the real stuff.

And avoid bread. That part Atkins had right. Pollan goes into great detail about why bread usually represents about the worst possible approach to calories and food.

I think it is better to get your carbs from good whole-grain bakery bread than from chips or fritos—tho.

Bread can be good food. Just no more than a slice a day.

Hubby tries to get all the meat from a local butcher — there always seems to be one in every community, instead of the grocery store.