
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

The Shadow Do3/09/2009 10:03:45 pm PDT

re: #890 avanti

I never said that. I have mixed feelings about late term abortions myself. About 1 % of abortions are done after 24 weeks, and it should be even rarer. A fetus that has only has no chance of long time survival. or who might kill the mother for example would be the rare exception, but not the mental health of the mother or convenience if the mother. I don’t agree with a flat ban, but it should be more regulated then it now is IMHO. Once the fetus is viable, it’s a extreme position to take the decision lightly. I’m glad we have courts we weigh decisions as difficult as those.

Well then, you seem relatively sensible though outside present limitations or lack thereof. Unlike some you may know? By the way, why do you trust difficult decisions to the courts?
Courts really are just a handful of people with an opinion and an agenda you know. Legislatures, barring gross gerrymander, are a reasonable reflection of their constituents; courts are a reasonable reflection of the resultant elected politicos. Are they somehow superior in their wisdom in your opinion?