
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

irish rose2/16/2009 8:52:43 am PST

Meanwhile over at Stormfront, where they heart the CofCC and have tried to link to LGF and failed, they’ve discovered that Ms. Coulter is a kindred spirit:

Ann Coulter defending the CoCC? Wow….I actually have to give her a smidgen of respect for that….

Some of them have even added her quotes to their signatures.

LGF is still on their shitlist, though:

Little Green Footballs is a thinly-veiled Jew-supremacist organization, an obscene caricature of the sorry state of the American conservative movement after the Bush gang got through with it.

If you’ve ever seen Charles Krauthammer on TV, you know what the little green jewballs are like: bloodthirsty wise-ass Zionist metrosexuals. Who tend to vote Republican. I couldn’t stand to be in the same room with any of these little monstrosities.

/badge of honor

bloodthirsty wise-ass Zionist metrosexuals

… rotating title nom