
Defining "Creationism" Down

Phil.2/24/2009 5:56:03 pm PST

re: #920 Sharmuta

So it doesn’t matter to you that he supports teaching creationism in public schools?

re: #924 Thanos

Yes, this matters to me, but in light of the fact that we are in the middle of a potential second Great Depression, it bothers me about as much as finding a pickle on my McDonalds cheeseburger. I don’t like pickles, but I can take them off. If Jindal is representing his state (who overwhelmingly support teaching intelligent design in school) by passing that law, it doesn’t really bother me so long as he doesn’t plan to implement it at the federal level. In the age of Obama, where ethics don’t count for anything, I am certainly not going to make the perfect the enemy of the good. I’m not setting litmus tests.

If you are counting on the economy to be terrible still in four years so we can win, that’s a blazingly stupid and harmful strategy.

After we hit bottom, and I think we have, the economy will typically in even severe recessions recover at least 80 percent of it’s value within 9 months.

I don’t like Obama’s policies either, but anti-science, anti-gay, and religious right curmudgeons helped him win. Religion has become nihilistic to most people under 25 if you haven’t noticed, and the next election they’ll be later twenties, and likely voting. What’s the religious right doing to win them over? Is Jindal going to be inspiring to them when they find out he’s anti science? The media is going to make that one year long smear even if by miracle he somehow gets the nomination. We will have Obama again, and good luck with that. Jindal’s the worst person to put against Obama.

Um, I’m not hoping for the economy to fail. Do you expect me to take pleasure in gloating “I lost my job. Take that Obama!”

I do see an administration that is absolutely hostile to responsible people. We are now being called upon to bail out people’s mortgages who were not. 93 percent of people pay their mortgages on time. Many people rent because they are saving for a house and pay their rent on time.

Obama chose to place the 7 percent ahead of all these people. Um….campaign issue anyone? We have an administration whose policies will prolong a recession that is potentially as severe as the Great Fucking Depression and your number one concern is….whether a Louisiana Governor supports intelligent design in his state?

Again, I guess I can’t convince you. But I wish you all the best with the Rockerfeller Republican brand.