
Pamela Geller Associate John Jay Calls for Mass Murder, Then Feels Abandoned

blueraven10/05/2011 10:01:11 am PDT

Wow…I cant believe the condemnation of this protest by some on this board.
Yes, there are a few despicable Anti-Semites in the crowd. But the video posted by NJD showed the crowd scoffed at, and berated that one guy. Certainly no support for him in the video.

Yes, they are a fractured group with an unclear message. However, anyone who doesn’t think our government is bought and sold by wall street interest; big business, big oil, pharmaceuticals etc… is living in a fantasy world.

They determine the tax code, the regulations. They are skewed to the wealthy and the polluting industries. These things affect us all. If nothing else, maybe this will bring attention to the fact that the politicians and wall street have been in bed for years. The Citizens United decision has just made this worse than ever.

If the Anti-Semites and other crazys take over, I will be glad to jump on the trashing bandwagon.