
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

austin_blue11/08/2009 12:11:32 am PST

re: #928 Dark_Falcon

In my eyes it does, austin. It appears that our differences mostly come down to the public option. To reduce things further would be to say that they come down to a difference in our trust in government. I might sum that last issue up with a quote from Tommy Lee Jones in Under Siege: “There’s one difference between us. You have faith… I don’t.”

Fair enough. I have faith, my friend.

I have seen what a disastrously unregulated banking and investment sector has done to this economy in our country. I have seen how common working people have been impacted by financial “instruments” that were toxic at their core. I have seen how the folks at the top of the Ponzi scheme have made out like bandits and still keep their jobs.

I am also hugely disappointed by the response of this government. But I understand that if the Playaz in this disaster were to be properly spanked, it might result in a total meltdown of our financial system.

I am enraged by this. But I feel I must keep my powder dry.

Frustrating? Oh, hell yes.