
CNN Video: Confederate Flag Front and Center at the White House

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/13/2013 3:25:46 pm PDT

This seems manufactured:

GOP: Dem request for higher spending hurting deal chances

Several Republican senators said Sunday a Democratic request to increase government spending is hurting chances of a deal to end the 13-day-old shutdown.

Leaders of the Democratic-led Senate were dismissive of a proposal Saturday, in part, because it kept in place for too long the automatic spending cuts that went into effect earlier this year. Another round of those decade-long cuts — dubbed the sequester and approved by Congress and the White House in 2011 — is expected in January.


Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. said that maintaining spending cuts is the same for Republicans as maintaining the Affordable Care Act is for Democrats.

“They’re all about Obamacare being the law of the land, but so’s the sequester,” he said on CNN’s State of the Union with Candy Crowley. “If we exceed that, it’s real big step in the wrong direction.”

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn. said House Republicans went too far in their initial proposals by trying to force repeal or delay of the new health care law as part of legislation needed to keep parts of the government open when money ran out with the end of the fiscal year Sept. 30. Now, he said, Senate Democrats are oing the same with their bid to end the sequester and increase spending.


So, let me see if I get this right. According to Sen. Corker:

{closing down the gov’t == trying to end sequester}

One thing doesn’t seem like the other to me.