
On the RNC Platform Finding NSA Programs Unconstitutional

Rightwingconspirator1/24/2014 2:44:13 pm PST

re: #32 Gus

It’s probably fair to consider the early time after the attack as a very different time, threat level, and determination to get the terrorists. Now that we actually have killed so many thousands of enemy combatant, wrecked two countries, deposed at least two governments by force that were a real or imagined threat…. It’s fair to come to another view now.

Again not in defense of the RNC, or the GOP but my take on all this. I was fine with the P.A. as a temporary and extraordinary measure. Ditto for NSA expansions of powers to record & store. Ten years later, so much is different. And there is no good reason to fear an imminent attack like we did in the weeks following 9/11.