
Saturday Acoustic Jam: Tommy Emmanuel - From the Hip

CuriousLurker3/22/2014 2:39:29 pm PDT

BTW, just took a bunch of screenshots at Abby Martin’s website.

I also found a larger version of her & Rani Khalek flipping off Netanyahu. If you go to this web page and look at the right-hand sidebar then scroll down, you’ll see it (it’s currently like the 14th photo, and, yes, I got a screenshot). You can also find it on the same site included in Rania Khalek , Abby Martin - Trending Photos and Videos, along with some other stuff about Martin.

I’ve never hear of that “veooz” website before, but they seem sympathetic to the fringe. I’m sure if you spend some time on the site you’ll find lots more about her, however it’s Saturday and I’m not that interested in spending a larger chunk of my day chasing barking moonbats, so I’ll leave it to someone else.