
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

goddamnedfrank5/13/2014 11:47:51 pm PDT

re: #88 freetoken

Yet more circular firing squad action in the GOP:



This is still part of the official California State GOP Platform:

A strong and healthy family unit is the heart of the home - a safe surrounding where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality is taught. The family is a foundation upon which American society has grown and prospered for over 200 years. We support the two- parent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe that it is important to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle. We oppose same-sex partner benefits, child custody, and adoption.

It’s 2014, gay marriage has been legal in here for over a year and these assholes are still officially opposed not only to that but to letting gay people adopt children or have any partner benefits at all. In the real world this kind of applied policy has devastating consequences for children who as a result of one parent dying can be ripped away from the only other parent they’ve ever known, to be sent to live with distant relatives or to foster care.

The Republican Party is just evil, a straight up fucking sociopathic horror show. I’m glad that Donnelly is winning, I hope he hangs around all their other candidate’s necks like a millstone, dragging the entire party statewide down into the abyss. He’s exactly what they deserve. No other candidate quite so accurately reflects the revanchist pantload that is the modern Republican Party.

And blaming the top two system for his probable selection is a gigantic cop out. He’s polling high among likely Republican voters, the exact people would be voting if CA still allowed the GOP to have it’s own closed ballot. He’s who the majority of Republicans in this state want.