
St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch Denies Raising Money for Darren Wilson

Chez Ko Pe9/15/2014 4:16:43 pm PDT

Re snowaldasskim: With each man’s head so deep up their own behind, how do they communicate with each other? Or have they just merged into a single horrific creature, like King Ghidorah? (Or, if you’re a fan of obscure WTF horror movies, like Brian Yuzna’s Society?)

Re Lot and his daughters: This was actually part of a recent Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal strip, which subsequently became a thing at Cheezburger, where way too many people argued the relevance of Lot’s story, thereby completely missing the point. Oh my head.

Re Darren Wilson: Where is Murderpig, anyway? Are we ever going to hear from him? (Yeah, rhetorical question.)