
Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz Are Openly Advocating for a Theocratic Government

Mattand7/07/2015 7:49:16 pm PDT

re: #67 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Yeah, but I don’t think that the majority of the people who vote Republican are actually gorging on ragegasms. I think we’re looking at the 27%, and a sizable contingent of MBF/”both sides do it so I’m going for this side because lower my taxes and universal healthcare is bad but don’t touch my Medicare” folks.

My in-laws vote Republican, for example. And for sure they are not rising up for any kind of civil war. They’d be completely fucking horrified. My grandfather would have been too, despite his diet of Fox News and ignorance. He served this country for 20 years; he believed in fighting for his ideology at the ballot box.

And I disagree with them, but we still manage to all get along tolerably well. Part of that is/was being smart enough to leave politics out of the conversation, because we’re family. (Some families may be able to handle that, but in general not mine.)

My problem with all of this is something I’ve said before ad infinitum: the “norms” in the Republican party keep voting for people like Cruz, Santorum, Huckabee, et al. They normalizing this shit.

And as I said either on this thread or the previous: every. Fucking. Time. You point out how batshit the party is, they shrug their shoulders and go “Well, all politicians are bad.”

I ran into this less than a week ago. No one wants to admit how crazy the GOP is. They’re so desperate to maintain the MBF mindset, they’re willing to run the risk of someone like Cruz run this country into the fucking dirt.