
Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: "There Was Blood Coming Out of Her... Wherever"

Dark_Falcon8/07/2015 8:11:47 pm PDT

re: #88 William Lewis

Walker is a fundamentalist of some stripe (“Nondenominational Evangelicalism” according to Wiki) and, yes, he’d rather see both die because that would, obviously, be “god’s will” in the situation. He’s the single most evil thing to come from Wisconsin since Senator McCarthy.

Christ, as a Jew, would doubtless agree with the idea that current life outwieghs possible life but they’ve wrapped themselves so deeply around that deeply twisted notion that conception = ensoulment that the can’t see past it.

I’d argue the most evil thing to come out of Wisconsin was Jeffery Dahmer. Even if a political is being an asshole, unless he’s trying to get people killed he doesn’t rate next to a serial killer.