
Friday Night Moby Jam: Are You Lost in the World Like Me?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷3/24/2017 7:06:01 pm PDT

re: #53 Eric The Fruit Bat

Anyone who takes Arthur Laffer seriously should be mocked mercilessly.

Andrew Laffer is an economic pre-suppositionalist (something like Biblical pre-suppositionalists, but with money).

Laffer starts with the pre-suppostion that lowering tax rates increases tax revenue (through increased economic activity that would overcome the reduced tax rate).

He presupposes that:
a) Such a relationship would only have one peak (he represents it as a parabola), whereas there could be multiple peaks of taxation versus revenue
b) We must be on the “taxed too much side” of his parabola

In other words, he is propagating a religion.