
Outstanding Acoustic Guitar Work by R.D. King: "Trembling"

KGxvi6/01/2019 6:06:17 pm PDT

re: #57 Chrysicat

KG, I’m MtF trans. For me to have one means an expensive elective surgery, and I’m fine with people who hate me not learning how to perform it.

That’s specifically why I phrased it the way I did :-D

I can appreciate that. And you’re a better person than me for being more tolerant.

That said, I think there’s a difference between learning a particular elective procedure and denying health care in general. I believe that we all have the basic, fundamental right to arrange our own lives as we best see fit. That includes the right to worship or not, however one may chose. But when someone attempts to justify denying someone else fundamental rights because their own religious views say they should - I draw a line there.

Another, more silly but simple way of explaining it is that I have every right to walk down the street swinging my arms from side to side. But that right ends not only if I were to hit someone (that is the tort of battery), but if I were to swing my arms in a way to cause that other person to move in order to avoid me (that is the tort of assault).

No person’s rights extend so far as to interfere with another person’s rights. Hell, that’s ultimately what the law is about.