
Marijuana Everywhere | Alito Flew Pro-Trump Flag At His Shore House | Trump Says Biden Will Drop Out

aatharuv5/24/2024 1:27:38 pm PDT

re: #84 Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines

Sheesh! 68,000 people live in Turks and Caicos, they have all kinds of stuff going on, but all the news is about 4 Americans who were too dumb to know you can’t take ammunition onto British territory (without a very special license anyway). It was 5 but one was kicked out after being handed a suspended sentence. The others will probably follow in short order. Congressmen took time out from allegedly serving the people to go there and beg for mercy from His Majesty’s courts, for crying out loud.

Remember the blonde woman from somewhere in the south who went missing in Aruba a few years back (Natalie Holloway?), and was eventually found murdered.