
Friday Afternoon Open

yma o hyd2/06/2009 12:15:24 pm PST

Oh golly, where to start …

In their blind hate of anything related to evolution and to Darwin, these idiots show clearly that they have not the faintest udenrstanding of the natural world.

@1, Darwin has writen other thigns besides his two books on evolution, and Steve Jones, whose book I’m eading right now and which I’ve been praising here, says that without these two books Darwin would still have been the foremost natural scientist of his era.

@2, people forget what an outstanding naturalist Darwin was, and how he in fact laid the foundations of modern biology. Many people, from both sides, simply are not naturalists. stick them in a pasture and tell them to count all species of snails in a square metre of that apsture and they just curl up.
They don’t look at the plants, the grasses, the animals, they have no understanding of the ecology of a place, a region, a county - so obvioulsy they can never grasp what evolution is about.

Here is something which I found utterly nethralling and delightful, it was in todays paper:
Hills are alive with the sound of ants — talking to each other

Thats what it is about - and not some pseudo-scholastic debates about ‘did God’ - ‘how long did God’ - ‘no, he didnt’ … bla bla bla.