
PJTV Hearing: The Stimulus Bill and Health Care

kynna2/12/2009 7:55:47 pm PST

re: #59 schnapp

because health care is a matter of life and death. you don’t get treated - you die. the only other universal service should be education because access to basic health care and education give people equal opportunity.

There was a Canadian Lizard on here recently detailing how his mother’s diagnostic procedures and treatment were put off so long that they (government-run health care ‘they’) have decided there’s nothing they can do and she will just have to die with dignity.

Had she lived in the US, even without health insurance, she’d have been treated. Would she die from her cancer? Probably. Everybody dies, after all. But she would not have been dismissed.

You are tragically ill-informed for someone who claims to ‘care about these issues.’