
Iowahawk: Time To Deal With the Mutineers Aboard the S.S. Conservatism

blackpajamas3/07/2009 9:52:16 am PST

Monsieur Iowahawk forgot to mention that 10% of the DOW Components are now trading at less than one mocha-latte ($5) per share:

* Citigroup (C) - 1.03
* Bank of America (BAC) - 3.14
* General Motors (GM) - 1.45

For the three pack, it’s only about $5.62, or the same price as a cheap throw-rug at Wal*Mart.

Which stock will be de-listed first?

After they are all de-listed, which other companies will replace them?

Will they be firms of Fat (Mouth) Albert & the Climate Gang?