
Tiller Murder Suspect Identified, Posted at Operation Rescue

Cato the Elder5/31/2009 5:47:00 pm PDT

Meanwhile, that Pravda article that’s been making the rounds has gone somewhat viral in the nuttosphere. One of my FB contacts, a decent fellow in real life but a Luap Nor supporter in politics, put it up on his profile today.

Pravda = “Truth”.

Twenty years ago it was still “all hail Marx and Lenin”. Now they shizzle on about Holy Russia and the anti-Semitic Orthodox church. Not to mention a resurgent Greater Serbia.

But never mind that. The nuttosphere is full of this piece in the last couple of days. Haven’t checked JW etc., but I’m sure it’s getting lots of play there, too.

Trifkovic/Jatras/Artemije alert.