
Pseudo-Science for the Whole Family

Summer Seale2/11/2010 6:25:20 pm PST

Here’s another question to think about:

There are a lot of very religious people in this country. Not necessarily a bad thing but imagine if, within a generation, 50% of them decide to homeschool. We’re talking about tens of millions of people suddenly pulled out of the sciences. Let’s estimate that at 20% of the nation.

That’s a significant problem in terms of our future, I think. Can we actually build a society based on this? One in which science and innovation in technology is mandatory for our economic competition?

In my view, it’s not that far fetched a scenario given a decade or so. What would we actually do about it, if anything? And is that acceptable?

I’m not sure. I don’t want to make that illegal, I’m just worried about certain trends where this may go and with fanaticism on some levels. At least people should talk about it now before it gets to that point.